Mission Statement
We believe in the delivery of a holistic program and traditional values which allow our children to become competent members of society. By using the approach, staff at the Alexander Day Care Centre will deliver a program that enhances the development of the pre-school aged child.
We focus on developing child competency by planning and implementing progress base on the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical needs of the child. This through the use of free play, directed play, creativity, routine and self-directed group activities.
Our Staff
Our day care staff are trained Early Childhood Educators, all with a minimum of level I certification. We have staff four working on their level II and we have two who have completed Level III. All our staff are required to provide up-to-date Criminal Reference Checks, Child Welfare Intervention checks, and are trained in child / infant CPR and safety procedures.
Age Levels
Children are accepted at the day care from 3 months to four years of age.
Our Centre is licensed by Alberta Children and Youth Services, under the Child Care Licensing Act. We are inspected at least three times per year and copies of each inspection are posted in the day care.
Note to Parents
Parents are always welcome to our centre. Whether you stop in for a visit, or just spend a few minutes with us during pick-up or drop-off times, we are always happy to share information with you about your child and encourage you to share in your child’s day.
Hours Of Operation
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Ph: 780-939-4226
Fax: 780-939-3523
Fax: 780-939-3523
Box 3449
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1S3
For more information on any of our programs please contact us.
Yvette Arcand, Supervisor, Alexander Day Care
Sharon Arcand, Assistant Supervisor